Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is your Attitude a lemon?

From the beginning of the first contact with a customer to the delivery of the service and even after we leave the attitude I have about my company is a highly positive attitude.  My attitude determines whether I will be hired rather than my competitor.  I recall cleaning windows in a home and while I had  a 6' latter in my hand I crossed a dirty mirror and I took literally 3 min. to clean this dirty mirror and said nothing to the customer about it. As she walked me out the door she said, " I was going to ask you to clean that mirror however you did it without my asking, In my business that is called delighting the customer and is the only way my company has reached the success it has." She gave thanks than handed me a $100 tip for whether it was the mirror I cleaned or simply because she felt very appreciative and wanted to show her appreciation. Charles Swindle gave a speech on attitude and said life is 10% what happens and 90% of how you react to any given situated. I find this to be absolute Truth. So to leave this thought on "attitude" I think of this old adage, "when life gives you lemons... and tells you to make lemonade, I have always felt plant the seeds of each and every lemon for and your harvests will have so much bounty that you will have to teach others how to make lemonade and this process will grow exponentially. When life gives you lemons teach others how to make lemonade.
David Azua
Contact Window Cleaning

We create our future

The actions we make today determine what will happen tomorrow just as the words we speak define the actions we make, choose them wisely. Today we are living in a time which moves faster and involves more people than ever before in its construction creating new frontiers. Increase your productivity by cultivating creativity. I once pondered the idea of "what makes a man GREAT?" I deduced it is ones ability to achieve their full potential, witch is as far as I'm concerned very uncommon.

“A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting. ” 
― Carlos Castaneda

David Azua
Contact Window Cleaning is part of Google

Lets face it blogging and videos are considered old after a few months if not sooner. So Google is creating higher relevance in their page rank algorithm to index these social feeds with a higher priority. What does this have to do with the price of tea in china? Well if your importing commodities such as tea, coffee or anything else for that matter... current information is always most valuable. This means the persons or organizations which adapt to blogging, making videos and more importantly giving relevant information will be where business is engaged. The organizations who adapt to these mediums will prevail in the new world of business. 

- Expect nothing, be prepared for anything and everything
David Azua

David Azua
Contact Window Cleaning

As you belive so shall it be done unto you

I often listen to Earl Nightingale recordings for his shared wisdom and felt compelled to do so with you. Here are the top 12 lessons to learn from this amazing recording from Earl.

1.Develop wisdom and patience to explore the work in which we are now engaged and you'll find it contains the riches both tangible and intangible we seek
2. Before we go running of to greener pastures remember that our own pasture is unlimited
3.There are no bad jobs but it is the way we go about our work that makes it good or bad
4.Remove limitations set upon ourselves
5.that only preparation can ensure our taking advantage of opportunities which will present themselves in the future, opportunities which are around us now...
6.Put your imagination to work on the many ways and means in improving in what you are now doing
7.learn all you can about your job, your company and your industry
8.since there is no limit to the growth of your industry, it must follow that there is no growth limit to your potential within that industry
9. our dynamic and  growing economy needs and will reward the uncommon man who seeks a place in this growth
10. build a library for yourself which on your company industry and job and how to get along better with people.
11. set an hour a day for this research and study
12. remember the story of the acres of diamonds

David Azua
Contact Window Cleaning
5331 East Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX 75206 UNITED STATES

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is your "Value"

So, the question is, "how much are you worth". When starting out in any venture one must begin as a novice. As a beginner one is not fully aware to the inner workings of either the product they are serving or the service they are providing (business wise). Experience is not the only thing that can raise what would be an  "experienced professional" but the willingness to learn AND contribute to the development of the particular area of expertise. I recall a great message from Earl Nightingale who said it is ones personal commitment that gives "Value" to something. Now that value can be as great or as least as the person chooses to achieve. The Value I deliver to my customers in my window cleaning industry is beyond what would be rationally expected. I chose to hold the value of my window cleaning company to this degree for the simple reason that nothing less should ever be an option for any task. I was given the option not to long ago to "at least do this..." when I read this I thought to myself "least" is that a legal word... The idea to be presented is what is your "Value" in whatever you may choose to do. The thing to always remember value is not held in front of a crowd to see.. it isn't an award you can attain... it is a personal commitment to being great at what you do. Every company as well as every person has their value and it is the daily choices and actions which determine what we value.  Value doesn't have to be expensive actually the most valuable things in life are free.  When it comes to business what do you choose to be a valuable company? Is it the one who chooses to offer the cheapest prices with mediocre results and may or may not be around next year? or is it the company that stands behind fair prices and offers exceptional results to customers year after year?

David Azua
Contact Window Cleaning
5331 East Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX 75206 UNITED STATES

Monday, February 21, 2011

Google vs. Yellowpages

I have to tell the story of Google vs. Yellowpages. When I began to do business I knew exposing my company name was essential to growth. I first placed my Google business listing within for free I might add (it took just a little time). Soon after I was receiving calls from good business prospects. Actually 9/10 jobs I would estimate I would win the account with the leads that came from Google. So Growth was great and resources were coming along to where I could hire more help. Doing so I would need more work so I ventured into the godforsaken "YELLOWPAGES" advertising program. Now here is where the "bag of mud" hit the fan. Prior to sining an agreement with YELLOWPAGES I had optimized (high ranked) listings for,, and many other websites that were free to publish information. The Month that I singed into contract with YELLOWPAGES they took my top ranked preexisting listing for (their affiliate) and placed their call tracking number over my already published listing for whatever reason (to generate calls lets face it). Now what does this have to do with bad business practices? Lets say your growing your business at a successful rate then comes along a salesman who tells you he can bring you in more business and only if you get the CALL. Sounded like a legitimate business offer... no calls no charge... i liked the idea.  So I singed up with the YELLOWPAGES PAY PER CALL PROGRAM and then came the horror... I was getting calls from people needing tow trucks, bail bonds, car repair and everything else I didn't offer. I started to ask the callers what number they were calling.... guess what they were calling the YELLOWPAGES (ATT) call tracking number that cost me around $50 per lead. So how did they get this number? YELLOWPAGES tells me it was an old circulated number and I need to call them when these bad leads come in. That would not be a problem however 90% of their leads were bad leads. I am a business owner who operates a window cleaning business... if I wanted to be in the babysitters club I would have singed up for babysitting. The YELLOWPAGES PROGRAM is the worst ad program I could imagine. The $1100.00 bill came in when i started to do the homework. it seemed YELLOWPAGES will take your optimized listing though it is legally published by my company, and they will place their call tracking number on this optimized listing for the simple reason that they need money and have no moral standards of how this is done to generate calls. If you own a YELLOWPAGES book the best think it can be used for is kindling to start a fire or to find an overpriced lawyer. Please help me abandon this unscrupulous company YELLOWPAGES and their deceptive business practices. 

P.S. wins major failure

David Azua
Contact Window Cleaning
5331 East Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX 75206 UNITED STATES

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Changing the image of window cleaning

Changing the game of window cleaning starts by delivering estimates faster and serving the customer better with a well dressed and polite service man to greet a customer and walk the customer through the window cleaning process giving the client many details and pricing options. Business in the21st century will be a collaboration of business to create a brand business model. in the article I will site the two main components to building a strong brand community starts with
David Azua
Contact Window Cleaning

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Technology for window cleaners

Recently Contact Window Cleaning has taken on the initiative to create a program to help window cleaners deliver estimates faster and greener by making available our customized estimate calculators that send estimates to customers email. This program will operate on customized algorithms that calculates, sends and stores customer information for ongoing maintenance scheduling. We are going to make this available free to our members to stand behind the open source movement.

David Azua
Contact Window Cleaning
5331 East Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX 75206 UNITED STATES